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      Steel frame and reinforced concrete structure which is the difference?

      Time:[2014-7-9]  Hits:4558

      Structural steel and reinforced concrete structural frame What's the difference?

      A steel frame structure is constructed mainly of steel production, is one of the main types of building construction. Has the following characteristics: lighter weight, higher reliability work, vibration (shock), impact resistance, high degree of industrialization, are likely to cause the seal structure, corrosive, fire resistance and poor characteristics.
      Second, the reinforced concrete structure is constructed with a steel and concrete construction, steel acceptance tension, concrete acceptable pressure. With consolidation, durability, fire performance, low cost-saving advantages over steel and steel structure.
      Because steel ductility, toughness, and can have a large deformation, dynamic loads can be well received, followed by a good homogeneity and isotropic steel, is ideal elastomers, best meets the basic assumptions general engineering mechanics, therefore, the steel structure seismic performance is better than the seismic performance of reinforced concrete structures.
      Foshan Steel weight small, little stiffness, so when calculating the level of seismic action, often seismic force will be smaller than the concrete structure and strengthen its plasticity capability during an earthquake can absorb a lot of energy, so the steel structure is better, but the steel structure too soft, prone to large horizontal displacement, and poor fire resistance, which are inferior in terms of the concrete structure.

      Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號

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