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      Foshan City Youth Palace Steel to start building a new house

      Time:[2014-8-2]  Hits:4753

      Foshan City Youth Palace Steel to start building a new house
      Located in Dongping Metro City Youth Palace, built new house will look like? Yesterday, reporters learned from the Municipal Youth Palace, New Palace design has been "released" and

      Located in Dongping Metro City Youth Palace, built new house will look like? Yesterday, reporters learned from the Municipal Youth Palace, New Palace designs have been "baked", and has started construction.
           According to reports, the city is located in Dongping Town Youth Palace, the Palace of steel even with the new science museum together, a total of 8 floors, the building area of ​​about 20,000 square meters, there are now nearly 2.5 times larger Fumin Palazzo Vecchio. "Large area, and features will be more complete." City Youth Palace Luo Xiaoming, deputy director, said the Palazzo Vecchio as places restrictions to youth activities, entertainment places have been inadequate, and the new palace in these areas will be greatly improved, located there are entertainment, sports, activities, training four regions, especially in the first three regions is expected to reach about 14,000 square meters area. Together, the new palace also has a theater can accommodate 500 people, giving young people a big stage to show themselves. "In the future, Youth Palace, in addition to fostering interest in the children, improve quality, and make good friends of positions, will also be children show themselves, stage publicity characteristics become children's paradise." Luo Xiaoming said.
         The appearance of the new palace, the City Square and other buildings, like the wrapped layer of paper-cut "hollow skirt." Paper-cut picture is the magic of the ridge Nansang Ji ponds, fully demonstrate the characteristics of Foshan culture. This layer of "hollow skirt" of building materials, it is possible to use Foshan steel or aluminum.
          In addition, the new palace will be sitting on "Square City" convenient transportation network, according to the plan, Foshan metro line (Guangzhou-Foshan metro South Extension), Metro Line and Metro line six, and so Guang Link again through the nearby Palace, the Palace of Youth will come, whether it is by car or parking very convenient.

          It is understood that the new Youth Palace was started in May this year, is currently piling, digging the base, the whole project is expected to be completed in December 2012.

      Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號

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