

      Home > News > Multi-storey and high-rise steel column base grouting requirements
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      Multi-storey and high-rise steel column base grouting requirements

      Time:[2014-8-27]  Hits:4276

      Multi-storey and high-rise steel column base grouting requirements

      [Student] multi doubt rise steel column base grouting and regulations?
      [Answer] In the first section of the frame after installation, calibration, bolt, that should be the bottom end of the steel column column grouting, grouting way is to stand around in the column foot template, based on a clean surface to clear, and then polymerized with high strength mortar poured from the Liberal side to dense, after filling with wet straw bags or sacks conservation.
      Above all finishing work according to the participants encountered in actual questions from, for reference, if in doubt please timely communication, correct me. Foshan Steel

      Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號

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