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      Which is good for the steel structure and the concrete structure?

      Time:[2018-4-4]  Hits:3948

      In buildings, there are common steel structures and concrete structures. The steel structure of Foshan is mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns and steel trusses, etc. made of steel and steel, and uses silanization, pure manganese phosphating, water washing drying, galvanizing and other rust prevention and rust prevention technology, which are commonly used in large factories, stadiums, and super high rise areas. The concrete structure is mainly made of concrete, including plain concrete structure, reinforced concrete structure and prestressed concrete structure.
      The advantages of the 1. steel structure and the concrete structure are compared.
      Steel structure: high strength of material, light weight, toughness and plasticity of steel, uniform material, high reliability of structure, good sealing performance of steel structure, low carbon, energy saving, green environmental protection, reproducible use
      Mixed soil: good integrity, can be poured into a whole, can be moulded well, can be filled into various shapes and sizes of structure; durability and fire resistance good; engineering cost and maintenance costs low.
      The shortcomings of the 2. steel structure and the concrete structure are compared.
      Steel structure: steel structure is heat-resistant, non refractory and poor corrosion resistance.
      Concrete structure: the tensile strength of concrete is low, cracks are easy to appear, structure weight is larger than steel and wood, outdoor construction is limited by climate and season, new and old concrete is not easy to connect, increasing the difficulty of repairing.
      Both Foshan steel structure and concrete structure have their own advantages and disadvantages. No one in the two structures has the best or the worst. It has its own applicable range under different circumstances.
      Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號

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